Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wednesday, 13th January 2010

Dearest Love,

Very nice of you to wait for me today for our usual morning convoy. Usually, you would zoom off without me!

I want to say thank you - for making me smile so much. That could be a reason I am putting on weight - because I am generally - rather happy :)

I smile when I think of you :
- dancing your silly dance, the way you dance
- your grandfather undies
- when you laugh watching slapstick comedies
- try to seduce me with sexy dance moves
- i am trying to bite you
- spank! spank!
- when i imagine you saying "haiya"...
- shaping your eyebrows :) :)
- tap! tap! tap! ;>
- kiss me and hug me in the mornings.....

Thank you for giving me lots of reasons to smile in a day. I wonder if I do the same for you!

I love you :)

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